Gatorade | Dear Peyton

Over the course of an impressive career, Peyton Manning has reached out to hundreds of people with sincere handwritten letters. Recipients have included teammates and rivals, family and friends, coaches, celebrities and fans alike. Now, after 18 years, Gatorade pens a sincere tribute to the Sheriff using his own words.

This piece was nominated for an Emmy in 2016.

Sports Illustrated: A new commercial featuring Peyton Manning has the internet all abuzz.


Peyton isn't a digital kind of guy.

He prefers a handwritten note over a social post. In fact, he's not on social media of any kind. So when Peyton retired in 2016 and fans took to the Internet with countless messages of love and support, he didn’t see it. So, we wanted to create something real to honor his career – a way for fans to write their own letters to Peyton during the 2016 NFL Draft, where he was to be honored.


After announcing retirement, Gatorade released a touching commercial.

During the ESPYS, we were treated to a different version of “Dear Peyton.

- FTW USA Today